Crypt Wednesday



  • Cash and credit cards are accepted at our door and bar registers.
  • Dress Code exceptions are made for those with mobility issues.
  • As new nights are added to our calendar, our dress code requirements will
    be updated.
  • ManRay is a SMOKE FREE venue. NO vaping, smoking, or marijuana. If you
    smoke or vape inside the club you will be removed from the event with no
    reentry for the evening. Our Smoke free policy is a zero tolerance policy.
    No exceptions.
  • ManRay has a commitment to accessibility for people with disabilities.
  • Customers with limited mobility may access any room open to the public
    inside the venue. Should you need assistance, please reach out to a member
    of our Security Team.
  • Photos are allowed at ManRay. We ask that you only take photos of yourself
    and your friends. If you would like to photograph another patron, please
    ask permission before doing so.
  • We hope you enjoy your visit!